Went fishing again while here in Swakopmund with Terrence Clark our favorite guide. Caught a number of sharks from three different species: Bronzee, Spotted Gully Shark, a muscle Shark. Caught so many cob that we’ve been eating it for the past three days. Delicious stuff. Forgot to put sun screen on our feet—this is surf fishing so of course one is on the beach with his toes exposed----and even though it was overcast most of the day, the top of Reid’s feet got so burnt they’re blistering. Annie had a blast chasing waves again and examining each catch with the eye of a scientist. I even gave it a go for a while, but didn’t have the stamina to stay with the 2.24 m, 75 kg Bronzee that was on the other end of the line.
Today we did the Kayak Tour of Walvis Bay. It was a bit disappointing because we didn’t get to see any dolphins nor whales. We did see loads of flamingos and those stinky cape fur seals again. It was a bit chilly and we had an early start of it so the girls complained about being cold. Augustus manned his kayak alone and did manage to get the hang of it by the end. Annie and I were paired and we just kind of took it slow. We did have fun paddling about in the bay and saw tons and tons of jelly fish—apparently a by-product of global warming and over fishing.
Our guide was a young fellow named François duToit. The duToit family name can be found throughout South Africa and Namibia. The first duToit to arrive back in the mid-1600’s were fleeing religious persecution as they were Huguenots (Protestants) seeking a better life outside of war ravaged Catholic France. It was a bit strange chatting with him since there are virtually no vestiges of French culture left among the family who’ve been so totally assimilated into the lifestyle of Southern Africa. We in Louisiana are rather proud of our French heritage and work hard at trying to preserve it………